Steel links for U 365

Steel links for U 365

1.36 Price incl. VAT: 1.67

Rebar links used for holding steel bars together. The offered diameter is an option and can be different from the required size. Suitable steel link diameter and required quantity per linear meter specified by the nominated project engineer.

Ring/Link size 120mmx190mm

Steel diameter: 10mm



Steel links for U 365

Actual product may vary from image shown. Required ring diameter or required quantity per linear meter depends on the engineers specification and can be different from our offers.

Clayblock Limited does not take any responsibility for structural failure. All materials and measurements should be checked by the nominated engineer. Please contact us with any special requirements.

Suitable rebars can be sourced from local hardware shops in stock lengths (6.0m)

120×190/10, 0.43 kg/each  


Other required accessories:

bag ties – to tie the steel and the links together,

• steel bars (to be sourced from a local supplier).

Required tool:

bag tie puller to be used with the bag ties.


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